Our main focus is design an Online Hospital Management System (OHMS) that will improve hospital experience for both patients and the hospital authorities. The whole system will run on internet. Our project OHMS includes registration of patients, storing their details into the system, and also booking their appointments with doctors.
Our software has the facility to give a unique id for every patient and stores the details of every patient and the staff automatically. User can search availability of a doctor and the details of a patient using the id. The OHMS can be entered using a username and password. It is accessible either by an administrator or receptionist. Only they can add data into the database. The data can be retrieved easily. The interface is very user-friendly. The data are well protected for personal use and makes the data processing very fast.
The system is written in PHP, java script, jQuery, HTML and CSS. Users will have the felicity to log in from any place with internet connection. After that they will be able to various tasks that are designed for them. Users are categorized in three groups: (Management, Patient and Doctor). The primary target is to focus on every user who can get our service and get benefitted.