Bike accident is increasing day by day rapidly. An everyday bike accident is happening in every area. There are many existing systems for preventing bike accidents. Most of the time lack of immediate medical service many bikers leave their valuable life. The reason, for this reason, is the late arrival of the ambulance, no person in the accidental area, and occur accident in an uninhabited place. This paper suggests a smart helmet that will work as a quick responsible device that will send help messages with accident locations to hospitals, police, and user relative, and as nowadays most people are active on the social platform it will post on Facebook and also will send help messages in messenger. This project makes use of Raspberry Pi Zero, GPS, GSM, Buzzer, and Cloud storage. This device activates when the biker reached an accident. This will provide the user with accident location through GPS and GSM will be sent an SMS register and it instantly updates a help post on Facebook and sent a message through messenger also a buzzer beeping to attract nearby people’s attention.