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"Culpable Homicide Amounting to Murder and not Amounting to Murder: An Overview"

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dc.contributor.author Jenny, Sinthia Khanam
dc.date.accessioned 2024-06-06T09:33:03Z
dc.date.available 2024-06-06T09:33:03Z
dc.date.issued 2023-11-30
dc.description Internship Report en_US
dc.description.abstract In Bangladesh, the act of murdering another person with the intent to kill, but without intent or forethought, is considered to be culpable homicide, which is a criminal offence. As a result of the fact that it is regarded as a less serious kind of murder, the sentence for culpable homicide is often less harsh than the punishment for murder. In this executive summary, we will explore the most important components of culpable homicide in Bangladesh, including its definition, the penalty for it, and the characteristics that set it apart from murder. The act of murdering another person with the purpose to kill, but without premeditation or forethought, is considered to constitute culpable homicide in Bangladesh, as stated in Section 299 of the country's Penal Code. This indicates that the offender had the intention of murdering the victim, but they did not make any prior preparations or plans for accomplishing this goal. It is also possible to use the term "culpable homicide" to describe situations in which the offender is responsible for the death of another individual as a result of their own impulsive or careless actions, such as driving recklessly or handling deadly weapons. A sentence of life imprisonment is the penalty for culpable murder in Bangladesh; however, the court has the authority to lower the sentence to a number of years if it deems it appropriate. Within the United States, the minimum term for culpable murder is seven years in jail. In the event that the offence was carried out with excessive brutality or cruelty, the court has the authority to impose a more severe punishment, which may include the sentence of death. In Bangladesh, the most serious kind of homicide is murder, and the sentence for murder is far more severe than the punishment for culpable homicide. The degree of planning and preparation that went into the commission of the crime is the primary distinction between culpable homicide and actually killing someone. While culpable homicide does not need premeditation and forethought, murder does require both of these things. Furthermore, since it entails a cold-blooded and premeditated approach to take someone's life, murder is sometimes considered to be a more horrible crime than other types of the same offence. One kind of murder, known as culpable homicide, is often seen to be a crime motivated by passion or the consequence of irresponsible behavior. As a conclusion, culpable homicide is a severe offence in Bangladesh that is defined as the killing of another individual without their consent. The degree of planning and preparation that is needed in each of these crimes makes them unique from one another, despite the fact that 7they have certain parallels with murder. It is possible for the sentence to be lowered based on the facts of the case; nonetheless, the penalty for culpable murder is life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. Having a clear understanding of the distinctions between culpable homicide and murder is very necessary in order to guarantee that the legal system is both just and equitable. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Department of Law and Justice (BUBT) en_US
dc.subject LAW en_US
dc.subject Amounting en_US
dc.subject Imprisonment en_US
dc.subject Culpable homicide en_US
dc.subject Murder en_US
dc.title "Culpable Homicide Amounting to Murder and not Amounting to Murder: An Overview" en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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