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The Current Environment Regulations in Bangladesh to Protect Environment: A Legal Study

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dc.contributor.author Saiky, Nadia Anjum
dc.date.accessioned 2024-05-27T03:58:14Z
dc.date.available 2024-05-27T03:58:14Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.description Internship Report en_US
dc.description.abstract In order to protect this value from the harmful actions of states and private entities, it would be reasonable to include the right to the environment as a fundamental right in the constitution. Additionally, this paper aims to clarify and comprehend the origins and development of the concept of environment and sustainable development in domestic laws. Finally, it will demonstrate the rationality of institutional development. Methodology/approach: This paper attempts to focus on the Current Environmental Regulations in Bangladesh to Protect Environment. The research is based upon theoretical sources and empirical data. Results - An environment is a collection of physical, chemical, biological, artificial, or man-made components that enable the emergence, evolution, and existence of living things. Environmental law came into being as a result of the necessity to protect the environment from damage and the potential loss of a sufficient standard of living. When we talk about conservation, we mean taking all the required steps to protect the environment and our natural resources. Human development now aligns with the ideas of sustainable environmentalism and development. It is a transversal subject that emerged from a collaborative examination of the environmental and protection issues as well as everything related to production in the advancement of a state or nation. Originality/value: The paper is novel in that it advocates using the constitution as a weapon. It does this by arguing that human progress requires a fit environment that allows for creative endeavors to meet current needs without jeopardizing those of future generations. As an independent value, the environment requires the same level of protection as other widely accepted values, such the right to private property or the right to health and life. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Department of Law and Justice (BUBT) en_US
dc.subject LAW en_US
dc.subject Legal Study en_US
dc.subject Environment Regulations en_US
dc.subject Environment en_US
dc.subject Protect Environment en_US
dc.title The Current Environment Regulations in Bangladesh to Protect Environment: A Legal Study en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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