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Prevention of Women Trafficking: A Global Perspective

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dc.contributor.author Mim, Mobashera Kabir
dc.date.accessioned 2024-03-21T07:50:56Z
dc.date.available 2024-03-21T07:50:56Z
dc.date.issued 2023-12-02
dc.description Internship Report en_US
dc.description.abstract Women trafficking stands as a grave infringement on human rights, demanding a unified effort to prevent and eliminate this widespread crime. This abstract delineates a comprehensive strategy for combating women trafficking by addressing its underlying causes, fortifying legal frameworks, fostering global collaboration, and advocating for socio-economic empowerment.Efforts to prevent women trafficking must commence with a thorough understanding and systematic addressing of its root causes. Factors such as poverty, limited access to education, gender disparities, and societal biases significantly contribute to women’s vulnerability to trafficking. Initiatives targeting poverty alleviation, improved educational opportunities, and gender equality are crucial in disrupting the conditions that make women susceptible to exploitation. The legal framework plays a pivotal role in combating women trafficking. Strengthening and rigorously enforcing laws that criminalize trafficking, prosecute offenders, and safeguard victims are imperative. Legal measures should be comprehensive, addressing not only the act of trafficking but also the systemic issues that render women vulnerable. International cooperation is paramount given the transnational nature of trafficking. Empowering women on social and economic fronts is indispensable for sustained prevention. Programs offering vocational training, education, and employment opportunities empower women to achieve self-sufficiency, reducing their susceptibility to trafficking. Concurrently,awareness campaigns can enlighten communities about the risks associated with trafficking and empower potential victims to identify and resist exploitation. In conclusion, the andcollaborative mitigation of women approach that targets trafficking root causes, necessitatesacomprehensive fortifieslegalframeworks, encouragesinternational cooperation, and champions socio-economic empowerment. Through the implementation of this holistic strategy, societies can strive towards creating an environment where women are less susceptible to exploitation, and traffickers encounter formidable obstacles in their illicit endeavors. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Department of Law and Justice(BUBT) en_US
dc.subject LAW en_US
dc.subject BUBT en_US
dc.subject Prevent en_US
dc.subject Women Trafficking en_US
dc.subject National and International en_US
dc.title Prevention of Women Trafficking: A Global Perspective en_US
dc.type Technical Report en_US

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